What is the Difference Between Sanders and Warren

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A common question among Democratic voters is what the difference is, if there is any, between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Well, many democrats would tell you that there is no difference. They are both progressive firebrands, seen as radical by Republican lawmakers. However, there is a difference between the two. If you look into their political history, it is not to hard to find. The difference is this, Elizabeth Warren, for all of the talk about how she is the new and improved version of Sanders, is more of a practical progressive than a revolutionary. Warren wants to redistribute wealth from the top down, but does not want to take down institutions of power in Washington. Bernie Sanders on the other hand, wants to democratize power back to everyday people. This is why Sanders talks about a "political revolution" rather than a specific tax rate like Warren's wealth tax. Now, what sets them apart is precisely what their voters like so much about them. Warren's base is the most highly educated in the primary field. Sander's supporters on the other hand are the least likely to have a college degree. Warren's supporters are almost all white, while Sander's coalition if the most diverse in the field. It will be interesting to see if the two of them start to acknowledge their differences in the future, or if they continue to team up the way they did in the July CNN debate. Ultimately, if I can make a prediction, while Warren is considered more practical, I don't see how working with Mitch McConnell to raise taxes on the rich is any more likely to yield results than Bernie's idea of tearing everything down in the first place. Both candidates are making seemingly impossible promises to achieve in today's political climate. If Sander's political revolution succeeds however, we might see something change after all.


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